MuriPlan 3.0.0 Upgrade Instructions

1 minute read

Applicable Systems

This software upgrade is applicable to all SARRP systems.

Minimum Software Versions

Software Version
SarrpCS 4.3.1

It is recommended that users have version 5.0.2 of SarrpCS software when using MuriPlan 3.0.0, but this is not an explicit requirement. If a user has SarrpCS 4.3.0 or higher, then MuriPlan 2.1.3 or higher is required.


Create a Backup of Critical SARRP Directories

  1. Backup the C:\Program Files\sarrp folder into a date-stamped subfolder in C:\Xstrahl Service Data\.
    1. For example: sarrp_backup_2018_may_08.
    2. To create a backup, right click the folder and select Send to. Then select Comressed (zip) folder.
  2. Backup the C:\SARRP_Data folder (possibly excluding all the calibration image data. This is left to your discretion) to a date-stamped subfolder in C:\Xstrahl Service Data\.
    1. For example: sarrp_data_backup_2018_may_08.
  3. Upload both backups to DropBox under the appropriate customer site folder.
    1. For example DropBox\Customer Sites\SARRP\<customer site>\Backups\Backup_YYYY_MM_DD

Upgrade MuriPlan

  1. Backup the MuriPlan folder to a date-stamped subfolder in C:\Xstrahl Service Data\.
    1. For example: muriplan_backup_2018_may_14.
  2. Uninstall the current installation of MuriPlan by using Programs and Features.
    1. Hit the Windows key on the keyboard and type Add Remove. Select Add and Remove Programs. add-remove
    2. In the window that pops up, select MuriPlan and uninstall. uninstall-muriplan
  3. Delete the installtion directory of MuriPlan (C:\Program Files\Xstrahl\MuriPlan) after uninstallation has completed.
  4. Install MuriPlan 3.0.0
  5. Ensure that the software works correctly.
    1. Start MuriPlan
    2. Load a scan and set an appropriate segmentation
    3. Add an isocenter and treatment beam
    4. Compute dose
