SarrpCS 4.3.1 Upgrade Instructions

2 minute read

Applicable Systems

This software upgrade is applicable to all SARRP systems.

Minimum Software Versions

Software Version
Basler 5.0.12
Varian L07
Perkin Elmer 3-3-3-14


Create a Backup of Critical SARRP Directories

  1. Backup the C:\Program Files\sarrp folder into a date-stamped subfolder in C:\Xstrahl Service Data\.
    1. For example: sarrp_backup_2018_may_08.
    2. To create a backup, right click the folder and select Send to. Then select Comressed (zip) folder.
  2. Backup the C:\SARRP_Data folder (possibly excluding all the calibration image data. This is left to your discretion) to a date-stamped subfolder in C:\Xstrahl Service Data\.
    1. For example: sarrp_data_backup_2018_may_08.
  3. Upload both backups to DropBox under the appropriate customer site folder.
    1. For example DropBox\Customer Sites\SARRP\<customer site>\Backups\Backup_YYYY_MM_DD

Upgrade SarrpCS

  • Run the installer for the SarrpCS software that corresponds to the correct hardware configuration for the system.
  • When prompted, ensure that you select an Upgrade install type and not Full. Selecting Full will result in overwriting any calibration data on the system.
  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\sarrp and delete the dll folder.

Update CT Preset Name

SarrpCS has the ability to auto-switch to an Imaging x-ray preset automatically when performing a CT. The way this works is that SarrpCS looks for a preset named CT Imaging to switch to, otherwise it switches by default to 60 kV, 0.6 mA at 67 seconds. By default, SarrpCS does not create a preset with the name CT Imaging. To have control over what kV/mA conbination is used for imaging when auto switching, it is recommended that a new preset is created with the proper name that will be used for CT acquisition. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\sarrp\data and open the PresetData.txt
  2. Add the line: CT Imaging|<kV>|<mA>|FINE|1.1 where <kV> is the voltage to use and <mA> is the amperage amount to use.
  3. Save the PresetData file and restart SarrpCS to have the changes take effect.

Considerations for Motorized Filter Changer

If the SarrpCS system is receiving a motorized filter changer (MFC) and already has an MVC then some changes need to be made to the MVC config files.


  • In C:\Program Files\sarrp\data, open the mvc_cfg.txt file
  • Remove all data related to the H axis.

Example of what the file should look like after editing (values may be different for the various axes):

#Config File for Motorized Variable Collimator

#                     F           G  
#                    LONG       SHORT
#                   MVC_X       MVC_Y
cnts_per_mm      47214.37,   47214.37
pid_kp             32.380,     37.880
pid_ki             12.477,     14.578
pid_kd            242.130,    283.000
contin_tlim           5.0,        5.0  # Continuous Torque Limit (TL)
max_tlim                3,          3  # Maximum Torque limit (TK)
cur_gain                0,          0  # Amplifier current loop gain (AU)
jt_home           1293673,     681067  # Defines zero position (in cts) after homing
jt_ulim              80.0,       40.0  # Maximum size at isocenter (mm)
jt_llim               5.0,        5.0  # Minimum size at isocenter (mm)
jt_home_fast          1.0,        1.0  # Speed for fast find edge (mm/sec)
jt_home_slow         0.25,       0.25  # Speed for slow find edge (mm/sec)
jt_home_retract       1.0,        1.0  # Retraction to release home switch
